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HORA DE LA CERVECITA: Mestizo Double dry-hopped Hazy Double IPA. A collaboration with Brewjeria & Beer Thug Life @beerthuglife @brewjeriacompany
CHISME DE LA SEMANA: Some Penguin Ramdom House Marvel and Randal Park chisme.
BOOK REVIEW: The Magpie on Webtoons by Bones McKay and Ursula Gray @ursulaoctopus @bones_mckay
ON MY RADAR: Marvel’s Beta Ray Bill #1
JUNTOS Y FUERTES: SheroCon 2021: Tiny Homes for Homeless Sheroes https://gofund.me/ce36fc7f @sherocomics
EN LA LIBRERIA: Nenetl of the Forgotten Spirits: A Graphic Novel
Support NENETL, a spirited spooky comic about a ghost searching for her family & dodging exorcists during the Day of the Dead festival. http://kck.st/38kDfAQ
The WatchMan #1 (Kickstarter Exclusive)
Konkret Comics has returned and this time we have a new hero on the rise! http://kck.st/3fbmHzm
SALUDOS: Transgender Day of Visibility
Celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society.